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Birth to Five Illinois Funding Recipients
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Chicago Head Start Collaborative
Identify short- and long-term system infrastructure improvements that would support increased enrollment in community-based programs in Chicago.
Strengthen collaborative ways of working to ensure clearly defined roles, responsibilities, and shared goals and activities.
Increase public awareness of Chicago Head Start Collaborative, including the understanding of the scope and scale of services offered by member organizations and goals and activities of the collaborative.
Connect Home Visiting Chicago
Connect Home Visiting Chicago will track the following:
New community partnerships and referral pathways.
Number of families supported through the coordinated intake process.
Number of families participating in Group Connections
Little Village Education Collaborative
Parent Advocates will reach 400 families.
The ECE Committee will reestablish connections with at least four healthcare providers.
Enlace will hold three to four cafecitos with a total of 10 to 15 participants at each event.
In part due to the efforts of the ECE Committee and Parent Advocates, Enlace expects to see a 10% increase in Chicago Early Learning applications each year.
Margaret F. Lee Violence Prevention/Intervention Collaboration
Refer 50 families to organizations that provide mentoring, workforce development, mental health case management, and/or support services for families to move towards self-sufficiency.
Facilitate monthly and quarterly meetings to support parents with resources and support groups.
Host three onsite community parent engagement resource pop-ups.
North Lawndale Early Learning Collaboration
Hire a Community Engagement Coordinator.
Develop marketing materials and resources to support the Collaborative and to be shared on Community Resource Day.