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Birth to Five Illinois Funding Recipients
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Early Childhood Alliance of Niles Township
Monitor available preschool/child care slots.
Hire Family Liaison Contacts, then follow up with the number and types of contacts the Family Liaisons have with community members.
Track publicity of articles, press releases, advertising equivalency, as well as audience reach.
Track information such as the number of attendees at early childhood events and follow-up survey feedback.
Elgin Partnership for Early Learning
Increase community and family awareness about the importance of early learning and enhance access to Early Childhood Education and Care programs, information, resources, and services by engaging with families where they are.
Strengthen family and community engagement opportunities by meeting families where they are (i.e., playgroups, laundromat programs, Learning On the Go, events, etc.) to learn from and elevate family voice to change local Early Childhood systems.
Continue discussions on bridging the slot gap and where slots are needed to enhance the availability of high-quality Early Childhood slots in areas with limited
Early Care and Education resources.
Co-create a data strategy and Theory of Change with EduDream Research Consulting Firm to help gain clarity on the Collaborative’s intended outcomes and facilitate impact measurement over time, with a focus on equity.
Develop: 1) A clear definition of outcomes and Theory of Change, 2) Data Collection Analysis Framework, 3) Stakeholder engagement measures, 4) Equity Focus Evaluation.
Evanston Early Childhood Council
Continue support of unique teacher cohort pilot program to address staff shortages in center-based child care, home visiting, and home child care settings.
Host regular events, free of cost, giving families an opportunity to build community and participate together with their young child in a rewarding, fun activity, and gain access to information about different Early Childhood programs and resources in Evanston.
Continue to deepen community partnerships.
Track publicity of articles, media releases, advertising equivalency, and reach of audience publications.