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Birth to Five Illinois Funding Recipients
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Little Village Education Collaborative
Parent Advocates will reach 400 families.
The ECE Committee will reestablish connections with at least four healthcare providers.
Enlace will hold three to four cafecitos with a total of 10 to 15 participants at each event.
In part due to the efforts of the ECE Committee and Parent Advocates, Enlace expects to see a 10% increase in Chicago Early Learning applications each year.
Madison County Alliance for Children & Families
Host community playgroups to reach families not connected to Early Childhood Education and Care programs.
Host a second annual Early Childhood Education and Care awareness event.
Increase partnership by 20%.
Margaret F. Lee Violence Prevention/Intervention Collaboration
Refer 50 families to organizations that provide mentoring, workforce development, mental health case management, and/or support services for families to move towards self-sufficiency.
Facilitate monthly and quarterly meetings to support parents with resources and support groups.
Host three onsite community parent engagement resource pop-ups.
Menard County Family Collaborative
Partner with entities within the community to provide training and support, hosting gatherings where caregivers can receive timely advice from experts and support one another.
Bring stakeholders together to identify needs, recognize barriers, and plan action to increase child care capacity in Menard County, while documenting this process for similar communities facing child care crises.
Use collaborative efforts to gain the knowledge needed to open a non-profit child care center in Menard County. Document this process for other communities to replicate.
Develop up-to-date resource lists for families in and entering the community, easy to distribute materials for in-crisis families, and an up-to-date list of child care locations/providers in the community.
Monroe Randolph Birth to Five Collaboration
Meet to finalize shared vision/purpose, structure, and operating procedures.
Complete data review and analysis; analyze areas of concern for use in an implementation plan.
Create implementation plan that includes: a) events to inform families of available services in their area; b) staff training events and post-survey to ensure all staff are aware of the span of services available for families; c) Coordinated Intake and joint screening strategies to create a culture of inclusion for all families.
Host one community launch event to increase awareness of available programming for families.
North Chicago Early Childhood Collaboration*
Increase Early Childhood program enrollment with the focus on the Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP) and Head Start.
Increase collaboration partners with additional community stakeholders attending meetings.
Increase Family Child Care Programs by providing two quality trainings.
* funded by the Early Childhood Governance and Finance Project.
North Lawndale Early Learning Collaboration
Hire a Community Engagement Coordinator.
Develop marketing materials and resources to support the Collaborative and to be shared on Community Resource Day.
Northwest Illinois Early Childhood Consortium
Create a Consortium for the three counties in Northwest Illinois: Carroll, Jo Daviess, and Stephenson Counties.
Drive awareness of Early Childhood programming needs.
See an increase in minoritized children having more and better access to Early Childhood Education and Care and for minoritized families to have awareness of options for their children.
Plano Area Alliance Supporting Student Success (PAASSS)
Design a mobile friendly website of approximately 12-18 pages and launch by February 15, 2024.
Create content for the website, annual report, informational materials, and social media.
Plan four targeted events for community awareness/engagement to take place between February and May 2024.
Create an annual report that we can share with our community based on the work we have done and the impact we have scheduled by June 2024.
Train a diverse team of partners in Community Outreach and Family Involvement (COFI) for up to 10 parents/providers for a virtual introduction training in March 2024.
Ready to Learn
Increase the number of agencies hosting Abriendo Puertas/Opening Doors or The Incredible Years to ten.
Choose geographic area to pilot framework based on environmental scan of resources and data from the Early Development Instrument 2022 results.
Create places for play and parent/caregiver bonding in resource-desert areas of Rockford.
Create a northern Illinois online Early Childhood Advocacy Tool.
Regional Office of Education #13 Early Childhood Collaboration
Plan and carry out one communitywide Early Childhood community event in August (postponed from May 2023).
Increase number of children that go through preschool screenings in the spring/summer.
Begin to establish Collaboration with multiple Early Childhood entities on board to collaborate and meet quarterly to discuss progress and data regarding children and families being served.
ROE26 IRIS Community Collaboration
Grow the number of social service agencies participating in IRIS by 50%.
Participate articipate in CS3 Collaboration Institute.
Conduct assessment, agreement, and monthly coaching sessions.
Serve 18 school districts and onboard at least nine school districts.
Regional Office of Education #35 Early Childhood Collaboration
Create an Early Childhood Collaboration that will identify challenges and potential solutions to improve the services and programs available to families with young children in the area.
Create a study to discover how lack of child care impacts the local workforce and economy of La Salle, Marshall, and Putnam Counties.
Develop branding/logo and website for the Collaboration.
Sauk Valley STARS Early Childhood Education Coalition:
Promote and connect families to ECEC programs and services.
Increase collaboration amongst providers to ensure seamless delivery system, appropriate placement and access to services, and reduction of redundancies in services.
Grow ECEC workforce in Region 47 to address identified barriers to enrollment due to lack of qualified workforce.
Southern Illinois Coalition for Children and Families
Increase the rate of developmental and social-emotional screening of all children in licensed child care settings by 10% with data recorded in a central repository/database for tracking screening history and results.
Continue implementing a marketing campaign that speaks to the impact of the Early Childhood workforce to change the public perception of the Early Childhood field through various media methods and community events.
Provide information to families that help them connect with community resources, while cofacilitating a region-wide effort to adopt a community resource and referral platform for programs and services that can integrate with medical providers' electronic health records.
Provide families with increased access to information and resources regarding school readiness indicators, with ideas on how they can help their children's transition to Kindergarten be as successful as possible.
Cofacilitate a regional effort with the Southern Illinois Community Foundation and Southern Illinois United Way to launch the Dolly Parton Imagination Library in 18 southern Illinois counties.
Southernmost Illinois Early Learning Special Education Collaborative
Host a Conscious Discipline Dealing with Anger and Rage e-course for various programs that serve young children.
Host trainings including Crisis Prevention and De-escalation Techniques.
SPARK Early Childhood Collaboration
Conduct 20 more playgroups.
Host 10 more Parent Cafés.
Host 15 more outreach events.
Conduct 50 more Family Gateway Interviews (intake interviews).
Success By 6 – Kankakee & Iroquois Counties (with the Kankakee Area YMCA)
Expand the role and reach of our Early Childhood Relationship Facilitator position in both Kankakee and Iroquois Counties.
Invest in bringing our local 211 and Kan-I Help (Kankakee-Iroquois) Information Network systems back up-to-date.
Partner with the Kankakee Area YMCA as they develop a parent education course and child care provider support system.
Meet with the YMCA monthly to discuss vision and planning. Develop and launch parent education classes by June 2024.
The Village Early Childhood Collaboration
Partner with Delbar and Career Technical Education System for workforce recruitment. Attend high school and college career fairs. Offer real-to-life demonstration experiences during recruiting and outreach events.
Partner with the Home Child Care Network to increase the number of Licensed Family Child Care providers in the Region. Hold monthly support meetings to provide translation of trainings, technical assistance, and individual support, as needed.
Produce a Family and Community enrollment campaign. There will be a 5% increase in enrollment in the programs and services.
Villa Park Area Early Childhood Collaborative
Build relationships with the pediatric community to better understand gaps in screening process.
Lift up the importance of mental health services and programs early in life.
Reach new audiences through collaboration with other local agencies and communities.
Develop a public-facing social media page and website and design branded materials for community outreach events.
Support local initiatives that improve parent and child bonding.